Estate Planning

5 Reasons Why People Are Living Longer Than Their Parents

Why Are We Living Longer?

It seems like people are living longer these days, which means one generation is living, on average, longer than previous generations. While some might argue that life expectancy hasn’t changed over the past half-century, it’s hard to argue that there aren’t older adults than there were 50 years ago.

The reality is – there are more people in general than there were 50 years ago, so there are more seniors, too.

Even so, our way of life has changed quite a bit since the 1960s, and in this era of significant change, average lifespans have continued to increase. We will discuss some of those reasons here, but it is important to understand that as people begin living longer than their parents, having a preplanned funeral is more important than ever.

By planning where you would like to be buried, and how you would like the service to go, you can start paying for it with today’s prices at whichever funeral home you’ve decided as your final resting place.

Americans Are Living Longer

According to a United Nations report, the percentage of the U.S. population at age 65 and older is projected to increase by 20% by 2050. Overall, things have changed widely for lifespan in the world. Back in 1900, most babies born didn’t live past age 50. Today, babies born in 2012 have a life expectancy of 78.8 years in the U.S. alone.

A woman turning 65 today, can easily expect to live until age 86, while a man can expect to live until age 84. Right now, 1 in 20 women who are in their 40s, will likely reach 100 years old. Meanwhile, 1 in 40 men in their 40s will blow their 100 birthday candles.

The differences in lifestyle, income, education, and health have all to do with the fact that people are living longer than their parents. Let’s look at some predictions of the future of aging in America:

  • By 2025 the world’s population is expected to increase by one billion.
  • Of that billion, about 300 million people will be age 65 or older.
  • By 2025, about one-fifth of the total United States population will be 65 or older.
  • The number of people age 85 and older will grow 10-times, reaching 4% of the population by 2050.

Why Are People Living Longer Than Their Parents?

There is no doubt new generations are living longer. And in reality, there are many reasons why many elderly people are living longer years. We live in a more advanced society that has lived through countless medical innovations. We are also more concerned with our wellness and health, which adds up to help us stay active and eventually live longer.

1. We Have Better Medicine Today

Consider that over the past few decades, plenty of medicines have made their way into our medicine cabinets, and many of these have been life-extending drugs, like ones that lower people’s cholesterol, beta blockers and ones that help prevent cardiovascular diseases.

2. There Are Better Medical Practices

Whether we are talking about better screening for possible illnesses or physicians learning from another half-century of data, there is no question that doctors are treating patients with more success than 50 years ago. Add that to the fact surgeons are also seeing better success, and it stands to reason people are living longer. The questions then become more about recovery than mortality.

3. The Many Advances in Technology

From better computers to better telecommunications and a faster ability to analyze data, the medical community is learning more from genetic sequencing, clinical trial data, patient record, and clinical trial data – and at a faster rate. This data will help the medical community find new disease markers, personalize treatment and help doctors make better decisions.

4. We’re Making Smarter Health Choices

From exercise to other habits, we are making much smarter choices about our health these days. In the past 49 years, smoking by high-school students and adults has dropped from 45% in 1965 to 16.7% in 2014, and that number is expected to reach 12% by 2020.

5. Food Trends and Government Programs

Even though an obesity epidemic has undoubtedly affected the United States, the issue has drawn more attention to the processed foods served by fast-food companies and grocery stores. Government policies and public campaigns have helped educate people on how to eat healthier and exercise better. This approach should offset any previous damages done.

If you are considering a preplanned funeral in the South Florida area, consult the professionals at The Gardens of Boca Raton Cemetery & Funeral Services to see what they can do for you and your family. You can call their offices at (561) 989-9190, or visit their property at 4103 N. Military Trail, just north of NW 40th Street, and west of I-95.

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