
5 Things to Do as Soon as a Loved One Dies

After A Loved One Dies

One of the toughest times for people to make difficult decisions is immediately after a loved one dies. Funeral planning comes at a time when people are grieving over the deceased, which can sometimes mean one can make a wrong choice or forget to do something that might cost them more money or accidentally go against the wishes of their loved one.

While funeral planning after the death of a family member or friend can be overwhelming, there are several critical choices that must be made to make things easier for the family, both emotionally and financially.

The items that need to be done after someone dies go beyond the obvious tasks, like notifying the authorities, the immediate family, the person’s doctor and a funeral home.

5 Things to Do Immediately After a Loved One Dies

The list of things to do after someone’s death can be longer than one might realize, but these tasks are probably the most important for all families. This is assuming the person didn’t already have a preplanned funeral.

1. Choose a Funeral Home 

It’s possible your loved one already did this, or that they have used one in the past for other family members. A funeral home and their funeral director will help you make many of your difficult decisions and give you several options.

2. Get Death Certificates

Get multiple copies of the death certificates, usually from the funeral home that will be providing the service or managing the burial. You will need these for banks, insurance and several other financial and legal institutions.

3. Put the Estate in Probate

The executor of the deceased’s will is going to oversee distributing your loved one’s property and carrying out their final wishes. An estate attorney can also help the executor or the family carry out the will of the deceased.

4. Contact Financial Institutions

The death certificates and other legal documents will be needed for financial institutions. You should notify banks, investment companies, mortgage companies, loan providers, credit cards, and insurance companies. New accounts might be needed for the heirs of the deceased.

5. Contact Service Providers & Utilities

To keep debts from accruing unnecessarily, you’ll want to call service providers like the deceased’s telephone company, cable TV company, cell phone carrier, Internet provider, and even gym memberships and home security companies. Finally, you’ll want to contact the electric, gas and water companies, when you’re sure the house won’t be in use any longer.

The Gardens of Boca Raton Cemetery & Funeral Services helps families every day in the South Florida area. If you are funeral planning in Broward, Dade or Palm Beach County, and you have more questions about what to do right after a loved one dies, call them at (561) 989-9190.

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