Estate Planning

Who is Responsible For Paying For the Funeral?

Who's Responsible? When a loved one or a friend dies and a funeral needs to be planned, the people they…

8 years ago

Preplanning Arrangements for Funerals

The Benefits of Pre-Planning Funeral Expenses Think back to the funerals you have gone to in the past, whether they…

8 years ago

What Documents Do I Need Before My Own Funeral?

Funeral Documents Preplanning your funeral is one of the smartest and kindest things you can do for your family. Rather…

8 years ago

What Are Death Benefits?

Life Insurance Death Benefits In the insurance world, the term “death benefits” often refers to the amount of money that…

8 years ago

Should I Have Life Insurance?

Life Insurance? No one ever wants to think about when they might die, so the question of, "Should I have…

8 years ago

Should I Discuss My End-of-Life Plans With My Loved Ones?

End of Life Planning If you’ve already filled out a living will and made all your end-of-life plans, you should…

8 years ago

5 Reasons Why People Are Living Longer Than Their Parents

Why Are We Living Longer? It seems like people are living longer these days, which means one generation is living,…

8 years ago

What To Expect With Hospice Care in the Final Days

Florida Hospice Care Many families are choosing Florida hospice care to help them in the final transition from life to…

8 years ago

The Importance of Life Insurance

Life Insurance Importance As we get older, we start thinking about the people around us and those in our family…

8 years ago

5 Family Benefits To Preplanning Your Funeral

Pre-Planning Benefits There are many benefits to preplanning your funeral, but we specifically want to share some thoughts on how…

9 years ago