Estate Planning

What To Expect With Hospice Care in the Final Days

Florida Hospice Care

Many families are choosing Florida hospice care to help them in the final transition from life to death for one of their loved ones. However, end-of-life decisions are some of the most difficult ones to make for family members that are caring for a terminally ill loved one. That’s why we want to educate ourselves on just what to expect from hospice care in the final days.

Hospice care provides support, both medically and emotionally, for anyone facing the end of their lives. Hospice care is usually covered by private insurance plans, but they won’t turn away anyone if they can’t pay. So regardless of the patient’s financial status, hospice care can still be administered, but you’ll want to discuss this with your local hospice.

5 Answers to Common Questions About Florida Hospice Care

By knowing a little more about how your loved one will be taken care of during their final days, you’ll replace stress with comfort, and you can spend more quality time with the patient.

  1. When Should You Discuss Hospice Care?

Really, you should start talking about Florida hospice care as soon as you realize your loved one is could be looking at their final days. By talking about hospice care in advance, you’ll keep the patient from dealing with more discomfort than they need to, and the patients themselves can take part in the decision-making process.

  1. How Does Hospice Care Begin?

Once your doctor makes a formal request for hospice care to take over for a patient, a hospice representative will probably contact the family or the patient within the next 48 hours. Generally, after the initial discussion, hospice care will begin within a day or two from the doctor’s referral.

  1. What Does Hospice Care Involve?

Understand that hospice programs are meant to make the patient more comfortable in their final days, and that everything they do is toward that goal. The hospice staff is trained to care for many different types of emotional and physical problems caused by the pain and distress the patient is experiencing. This means they’ll work with the patient’s doctor to administer the right amount of medication and therapy at each stage.

  1. What Do Hospice Volunteers Do?

There are many instances where a hospice volunteer helps a family by doing several things unrelated to physically caring for their patient, including running errands, preparing meals or even just sitting with the patient to allow family members time to themselves.

  1. What’s a Hospice Facility?

Usually, Florida hospice care is provided where the person lives, or in the location where they’re currently being cared for, which could be a family member’s house or a nursing facility. But many hospice programs have their own hospice houses, where patients can get around-the-clock care during the final phase of their life. It’s important to note that care in these places isn’t covered by Medicare or Medicaid Hospice Benefits.

Planning for Florida hospice care for your loved one is just as important as planning the funeral. Call the staff members at The Gardens of Boca Raton Cemetery & Funeral Services at (561) 989-9190, or visit their offices at 4103 N. Military Trail, which is just north of NW 40th Street, and west of I-95.

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