Choosing cremation for yourself or a loved one comes with many questions, and you may be wondering what your cremation options are. For many, this is the first time they have had to consider the process of cremation. There are several options both for the physical cremation itself, as well as the final resting place of the ashes. No matter which process you choose, it should be a method you are comfortable with. Discuss each option with your loved ones if you wish, to plan where the ashes will rest after the physical cremation is complete.
It may be a good idea to put these plans in writing to ensure there are detailed directions in place after you have passed. You can leave these directions with your attorney or executor of your estate.
The process of cremation itself may leave individuals wondering what their options are. Is there a blanket practice that applies to all, or are there ways that you can customize your cremation? What choices do you have, and how do you determine which is right for you? There are several things to consider that will make your pre-planning arrangements easier.
If you are making pre-planning arrangements for funeral funding, you may want to call several funeral homes that offer cremation services, or crematories directly. These facilities will be able to provide price breakdowns, and you can select the location where you wish to be cremated. Choosing the site of cremation will allow you to put aside the necessary funds in advance.
Many people are not aware that they have the option to choose different types of cremation. Again, this can play a considerable role when pre-planning arrangements for funding. It’s a good idea to call various facilities and ask for pricing information so that you can prepare.
Direct cremation takes place when there will not be a ceremony, funeral, or service. It is an option for those who do not wish to have a viewing or visitation, and the body will not be embalmed before being cremated. This is typically the least expensive method of cremation, and the ashes will be returned directly to the family or loved ones in the urn or box of their choice.
If you are pre-planning cremation with a service, contact local funeral homes for price quotes. You may choose a traditional service, which is usually the most expensive form of cremation. A traditional service will require embalming and the purchase of a casket if you wish to set money aside for planning funding. The crematory or funeral home should include all costs in this price quote, ranging from the cremation cost itself, the cost of the funeral, body preparation, and more.
If you choose cremation with a whole-body donation through a scientific organization, there will most likely be zero cost to you or your loved ones. Whole-body donation is when the deceased donate their body for medical and scientific study and requires a signed contract with a said organization providing your consent in advance.
Donations to medical schools, government bodies, or government-approved scientific organizations may take place. After the body has been examined the cremation process will take place, with ashes being returned to the family within a few weeks.
Another cremation option to consider, aside from pre-planning arrangements for funding, is the state in which you would like to be cremated. If there is a meaningful outfit you would like to wear, or jewelry you would like with you, make sure this is known to your loved ones and in your written directives.
Any non-combustible items, such as jewelry, will be returned to your loved ones post-cremation. You can leave instructions on who should receive the jewelry or where it should be kept as well. Some individuals may wish to be cremated with a religious item, such as a rosary. These are all cremation options that you have the ability to pre-plan.
Once you have decided on the best physical cremation process for your needs, your next step will be determining what will happen post-cremation. This is another topic that you should discuss with loved ones in advance, and leave in writing if you’d like. There are several things to consider.
Is there a specific family member or loved one that you wish to receive your ashes? A child, spouse, or sibling? You can pre-plan for this. If you have multiple children or siblings, maybe you would like each of them to receive a portion of the ashes. This is something that is best determined in advance to avoid difficult decisions once your ashes are ready to be returned to your family.
Deciding how you’d like your ashes to be stored is another part of cremation options to consider.
Some individuals may elect to have their ashes stored in the same urn as a spouse who has previously passed. Others may prefer their ashes to be stored in a particular urn, which you can pre-select if you wish, and provide to your family members.
You may wish for your ashes to be scattered in a place that was special to you, or to have them placed in a cremation niche at a moratorium or sacred space. Another option is a cremation burial, if you would like your ashes buried in a specific location or next to a loved one in a cemetery. If this is important to you, be sure to make it known in the pre-planning process.
In recent years, ecological elements have become increasingly incorporated in regards to post-cremation options. It is now possible to have your ashes collected and buried with a tree seed, set to grow into a magnificent tree. The tree serves as a living monument that your loved ones can care for and watch grow, while also contributing to the well-being of the environment.
Another option for cremation ashes to help the environment is to aid the coral reef. Some organizations accept either all or a portion of cremation ashes and then build structures for a coral reef to latch on to and continue to grow. The coral reef is a crucial part of our eco-system that is quickly disappearing, and environmental enthusiasts have begun choosing this option in increasing numbers.
Choosing which cremation options are right for you is a very intimate decision that can take time to make. The Gardens of Boca Raton offers both pre-planning services, as well as services to families who are in immediate need and provide consultations to those considering both cremation and burial.
If you are looking for information on cremation, burial, or funeral services contact us today to speak with a representative. Our team is dedicated to making the planning process as easy and comfortable as possible for you and your family.
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