Elderly Care

What Does Hospice Care Entail?

Hospice Care Details

Caring for our sick loved ones is one of the most loving things we can possibly do. But when loved ones are terminally ill, there comes a point where we either can’t offer enough care, or they should be made comfortable in their last days. Asking for help from an organization like hospice makes sense for

But just what does hospice care entail and what can we expect from their care providers?

5 Common Questions About Hospice

Hospice helps people enduring advanced illnesses to live a more comfortable life, while also allowing their families to concentrate on sharing quality time
with them, rather than worrying about nursing care.

1. What Does Hospice Care Entail?

When you choose to allow hospice to help care for your loved one, nurses and doctors will step in and help a patient and their family through every step of the way. Patients will get personalized services; giving peace of mind to their family that everything is being done to help their loved one.

2. Who is Hospice Care For?

While many think Hospice is for those in their final days, it’s actually set up to help those with a limited prognosis of 12 months, although, the prognosis has to be less than six months for Medicare eligibility. Hospice offers healthcare in private homes, assisted living facilities, nursing homes and hospitals.

3. Do I Have to Be Rich to Pay For Hospice Care?

Hospice is not meant to be a financial burden. Typically, Medicare, Medicaid and private insurance plans will be able to cover most of your hospice costs.
Hospice will give end-of- life care to anyone that requests it and is eligible, regardless of their financial situation.

4. Does Hospice Care Mean You’ve Given Up?

Absolutely not. It is designed to help families and patients deal with an advanced illnesses that can’t be cured. Rather than giving up hope, the decision to use Hospice means you are choosing to give the best care to your loved one, giving them the best quality of life possible, while no longer pursuing curative treatments.

5. Is Hospice Only For the Elderly?

No. You don’t have to be over 65 years old and on Medicare in order to receive help from Hospice. This service is for people of all ages that happen to be dealing with advanced illnesses.

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