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Category: Uncategorized

20 Total Blog Posts

Woman packing a box marked "donations" full of clothes.

Read Time: 9 Minutes

October 2, 2024

After the Death of a Loved One – Tips for Sorting Their Belongings

Posted by in Uncategorized

The death of a loved one is overwhelming, and most of us don’t know what to do when someone dies. One of the most difficult tasks can be sorting through the belongings of your lost loved one. Getting rid of their things can be painful because it feels like you are throwing away your memories together and removing the traces of their life. Their things feel like more than just “stuff.”

A child's hand grasps the fingers of an older hand.

Read Time: 4 Minutes

December 13, 2023

Legacy Planning

Posted by in Estate Planning

Legacy planning isn’t complicated, but it can be overwhelming for loved ones and family members to make sense of any unresolved details after the loss of their loved one. This is why it’s an important and thoughtful gift that you can leave behind by tying up all of these loose ends beforehand.

Well-appointed man and a woman attending a funeral, facing away from the camera.

Read Time: 8 Minutes

November 26, 2023

What is the Proper Funeral Attire?

Posted by in Funerals

After the death of a friend or loved one, those left behind are faced with all sorts of emotions, thoughts, and feelings as they come to terms with their loss. One of the big questions that tend to cause undue stress and anxiety is about attire: what is appropriate to wear at a funeral?